Dwarvin Starter Kits

Dwarvin offers several type of lighting systems, all used in conjuction with a Lamplighter and fiber optic cables.

Here are the different types of Dwarvin lighting systems Trainz offers

 Dwarvin Street Lamps, Billboards, and Building Light System

 Dwarvin Integrated Block Detection System

 Dwarvin Integrated Railroad Crossing System

 Dwarvin Integrated Turnout Signal Systems

If you are thinking of getting started with this new way of lighting your buildings, lights, and billboards without wiring, we suggest purchasing either the Lamplighter 1 or 2 Starter Kit.  The Lamplighter 1 kit allows you to put up about 20 lights whereas the Lamplighter 2 kit allows for about 45 lights.  The kits come with either 1.5mm or 1.0mm fiber, with the 1.5mm being more suitable for HO and larger scales. You can then add specific lamps as per your desire.

If you're looking to integrate block signals or railroad crossings, we offer kits which feature the Lamplight DFL (Dedicated Flasher Unit) used with these systems.

For more information, click on the following links

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